Wednesday, November 19, 2008

cigarettes landing on my balcony

This is dangerous because had it landed on laundry, which I put at that same spot, a fire could have been set off. What if I was not in? There are a lot of units that put laundry on the balcony.....05, 02.

I actually stepped out to the swimming pool to look up to see if anyone is out smoking. 12 and 10 had lights on the balcony on. But I guess at this point it is best to keep it general and not to point fingers. I have seen coloured circulars inserted under the doors of the 03's.
So I know this is not a lone incident. And you know smokers.....they smoke on one day....they probably will be smoking every day out on the balcony.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lesson from Desparate Housewives

Last night's episode of Desparate Housewives showed the new neighbours....those 2 guys who put a fountain into their garden. Then the neighbourhood got together to vote for the president, to go and takan the 2 guys to remove the fountain.
How every household has a 'little secret' to hide....
And how everyone eventually has a political agenda up their sleeves....ultimately it is everyone for themselves!

I suppose that is TRUE for EVERY place that you live in.

My parents do not mix with our neighbours.
Maybe I should learn a lesson or 2 from them.

With that kaypoh auntie on the unit above the swimming pool.....She is the equivalent of auntie A (that takes a lift home from mer's mom every day).....she knows everybody's business and she makes sure nobody knows her business. But a lesson to learn from the majong lady......
1. keep a low profile
2. pretend ignorance
3. don't attend meetings
4. ignor gossips
5. build a thick skin
6. retaliate if need be
7. stay quiet long enough until kaypoh auntie has new things to keep her busy then she will move on to NEW project.

to view concert, go to 'myname'

Then again, if not for neighbours....I wouldn't be able to get the spaghetti straps to hold up my gown...because my hands are not long enough to reach to the back to tie the straps.
So, one or 2 good neighbours is enough....
Then stay out of the aggressive to act blur a bit.

Friday, November 14, 2008


A letter from management was circulated among the letter boxes today about the noise level.


Student gave me her left over sound absorption cardbox. This is the commercial type of sound absorbing foam material that they use to soundproof music rooms. I've placed 6 pieces of this behind the soundbox of my piano and underneath the piano.....and reinforced it with carpet. Now if this does not work, I don't know what will.

Soundproof means minimal noise level. It does not mean ZERO noise level.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another artist I am looking at

I like her works.

balcony concrete peeling off

Discovered this last week. The railing to my balcony is supported by the concrete, which is like dropping off!
Called the developer.
Emailed the developer.
Great....they are coming to fix it this Saturday.