Friday, May 9, 2008


I have a laptop.
Then I tried lugging it back and forth, and it was just too cumbersome.
So I think and I think and I think....
and I figured, I'll go and buy another laptop!

For a long time I dreamt about a MAC.
I actually went to that wheelock place, and the cheapest mac is 1688.
Upgrade RAM to 2 GB, add another 99.
So I want microsoft word to be compatible with my laptop, can?
Can, need to install it.
I have software at home.
Why cannot?
You have to get the one for Mac.
So add another 200 plus.
And the 2GB with DVD is 1988.
Forget it I will go and get a 1000 plus PC laptop.

So I troop over to Best.
Got myself a Fujitsu....hey MIJ!!!!
Can upgrade to 3 gb Free!
Optical mouse, Free!
Plus, $100 rebate.
So final price, $1288.


So I have S series Lifebook at SH and V series Lifebook at
Looking at the starhub, M1 and singtel broadband mobile rates.
any comments and feedback?

I have this fear that hey will cut off my power because I miss the dateline for bill payment...which nearly happened the last time.
So I went to directly link it with my credit card.
Bummer....did you know stupid UOB-singtel card can only link....singtel bills and not SP?
Then Citibank gave me a much better experience:)
The customer service person gave me a card application.
Asked me to fill it up.
I said I don't have my account info.
And the banker gave me a postage paid envelope for me to send the completed application to!!

Oh....I did buy something MIC yesterday.
I saw a cheap clock that showed in digital format, runs on battery, that can no need to hand on the wall.
It shows time, date, day, temperature.
And the numbers are HUGE:)
Well I saw the clock for $14 at the amk cheap shop.
But when I went back yesterday, it was out of stock. There was an ugly purple colour one going for $15.
I don't like purple.
Then there was a makeshift counter outside that was selling watches and clocks and alarm clocks.
This lady had the MIC clock too..
how much?$14....
can cheaper? can.....$13.....ON!
Then she checked..... more stock.
How about $10....I buy the display set.
$12.....3 day guarantee, any problem bring back to her shop.
So I have a MIC digital clock sitting on top of my piano now.

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