Monday, December 22, 2008

Pay 2k to rent or pay 2k to own?

I read in the papers today about a certain high profile professor going off to USA on a year's sabbatical to do some very interesting stuff.....teach, research etc.
A mavarick personality who likes to do things off the beaten track. He pays 2k in rent to live in a bungalow with a big garden. " I guess if I were some multi-billionaire, I would.......but I am not a multi-billionaire." Finding alternatives, non-attachments to the material, being contented with life.....

So do we own our life?
If we seriously fall ill, can I say.....I don't want to be a burdan to my loved ones, to society...hence, let me die?

Look at it this way, in our glorified body after ressurection, there will be no illness, no handicaps, no imperfections. So when we start with this basis, then the imperfections, the unhappiness, the illness, any disability etc makes sense. In this world, things will NOT be perfect. And so in that imperfection, we are asked to choose LOVE.

Eg. a child is born with some disability. Is it a punishment? Not really. Which parent does not want a perfect healthy baby? Does that child born with disability deserve any less LOVE? No.

Eg. You are like that actor who discovered he has muscular dystrophy. Then? Does the LOVE of his wife, mother and children diminish? And very often, it is that LOVE that will sustain both the sick and his care-givers.

People complained when my students ate their chicken rice dinner on the tables and chairs next to the swimming pool.
'So? Who said cannot eat there?'

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