Sunday, January 18, 2009

copy flower arrangments

This one is called zen floral arrangement...
Only one BIG flower and lots of leaves! I think this is quite do-able.
I like this triangle shaped flower arrangement.
I think it will be quite expensive to get all those fake flowers. hmmm....need to source around for cheap flowers. Maybe I should look into what is available in my mom's cupboard in the store room.

This one is quite standard arrangement. Put the BIG flowers..I think have 2 compliment colours then fill in with baby's breathe and leaves!
I've seen my mom take classes on flower arrangment.
What happens is the teacher demonstrates, then the class will just COPY the teacher's version.
Then you have to buy all the flowers and basket and leaves from the teacher on top of the fees for the lessons. Er....I am going to do this the cheap way....hehe....copy from the internet. I think I will simply reproduce floral arrangement.

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