Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New pots....

My artist student paid me $75 so I thought I'd go pot shopping.
I went to robinsons, taka and tangs.

Finally bought these at Tangs....3 for $89. Le goumet brand...made in Germany.

Did you know....
Before you use the must 'open' the wok.
Rinse the pot with soap water...dry.
Coat a layer of oil on the pot surface. Heat over a slow flame.
Then let the pot cool.
Wipe off the oil.

Pots ready to use.

Pots are stainless steel. I looked at the Tefal stuff....2 saucerpan for $49.90. Tefal wok also costs that much. The chinese wok is doing a brisk business because they have very good demo team. The pop corn and cake taste delicious. But cost over 200....but now got 60% discount.
Then there are stainless steel that is from PRC. hmmm.....

The Pot story...

Mom gave me 2 of this aluminium pots. I use it to cook soup, curry....
Then my artistic student, mom of my friend....saw my pot and said....CANNOT USE!!!!
She told me to go and buy some proper cookware.
Even my wok did not get approval because the non-stick layer has been scrapped off. Artist student said....throw away!!!
Then she looked at my hitachi rice cooker....the $100 over one....GOOD....this one is expensive...and the pot is good. Though, I must admit that the pot is indeed good. The rice does not crust when you keep warm.

This is what I found on the internet...

The short answer to your question is that,yes, it is safe to cook in cast aluminum pots. The controversy started with a report in 1970 that brains of people with Alzheimer's disease contained abnormally high levels of aluminum. What is not known is whether the increase is part of the cause of the disease or a result (Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, 1996, 48 (6):615-635). It has long been known that aluminum from cookware can leach into foods. (Indeed components of all types of cookware can leach into foods). This effect is most pronounced with acidic foods. According to FDA, a person using aluminum pans for all cooking and food storage every day would take in an estimated 3.5 milligrams of aluminum, well below the 7 mg/kg body weight intake established by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. FDA has concluded that "the agency has no information at this time that the normal dietary intake of aluminum, whether from naturally ocurring levels in food, the use of aluminum cookware, or from aluminum food additives or drugs, is harmful." (FDA Consumer, October, 1990) However, FDA and USDA both recommend that food, particularly acidic and salty foods, not be stored in cookware (aluminum or otherwise) for extended periods of time.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

things I want to get at payday...

1. Either pots and soil and plant cuttings from home...
2. Ready made plants for the balcony
3. foldable chairs and move from balcony to room???

Friday, June 20, 2008

Plants and orchids

These are my orchids a week after I have bought them.
Problem is that I have been squirtting growth fertiliser .....
and I squirt some more each time I see my plants....
I have yet to use the flowering fertiliser!
Technically I am suppose to alternate between the 2....growth/ flower / growth / flower etc.
Maybe I need to go to daiso and buy another squirt bottle???

I have to research whether orchids need to cut so that they will flower, as that lady at church tells me.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Painting by student

This is an oil painting of flowers done by a student of mine. I put it on top of my piano. What I really need is some tao hua yun:-)

repair tiles

Saturday, 14 June, 2008
Workers came to repair the hairline crack on the tiles hidden behind my fridge. They removed 3 tiles. See photo. 1030am to 1130am. Break for lunch. Resume work at 130pm. Finish work 230pm.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

I love Daiso

I bought this black dustbin to put in my bathroom.
From Daiso.
I can throw hair picked up from the shower, cotton balls after wiping off makeup....without leaving the bathroom now.

This is called Perilli Dressing. I bought it at Daiso for $2. And I made a salad today:

lettuce, a hard boiled egg, a slice of kraft singles, tomatoes and carrots.


Must go back another day to try their other varieties. I am very happy with this find.

Daiso at Vivocity...

This is a ZOO!!!

There is so many things to see and buy.

I bought 8 pot stands I have made ready some space in my balcony area for plants.

Now I just need to go and get plants.

Or alternatively, I can buy some soil and pots and then get stem cuttings of lime tree, pandan plant, grow chilli plant.....etc.

Or, I can get some beautiful orchids....or other blooming flowering plant variety.


hmmm....I wonder what is on sale.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

boom box

Got my boom box...
Hundai, made in Korea, $49.50