Thursday, June 5, 2008

I love Daiso

I bought this black dustbin to put in my bathroom.
From Daiso.
I can throw hair picked up from the shower, cotton balls after wiping off makeup....without leaving the bathroom now.

This is called Perilli Dressing. I bought it at Daiso for $2. And I made a salad today:

lettuce, a hard boiled egg, a slice of kraft singles, tomatoes and carrots.


Must go back another day to try their other varieties. I am very happy with this find.

Daiso at Vivocity...

This is a ZOO!!!

There is so many things to see and buy.

I bought 8 pot stands I have made ready some space in my balcony area for plants.

Now I just need to go and get plants.

Or alternatively, I can buy some soil and pots and then get stem cuttings of lime tree, pandan plant, grow chilli plant.....etc.

Or, I can get some beautiful orchids....or other blooming flowering plant variety.


hmmm....I wonder what is on sale.

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