Friday, February 13, 2009

Crrrrrrush that crockroach...

There are now little crockroaches running in my kitchen! I was eating ice-cream off the tub and left the lid on the kitchen sink. When I was done, a tiny crockroach was having dessert as well. CRUSH.....I am getting very good at this.
They come up from the rubbish chutte.

Then a moth flew into my kitchen....
I went to grab my ntuc brand of insect spray.
1st spray.....the moth was not even dizzy.
2nd spray...
3rd spray....
in the end I took a kitchen towel and whack the insect.... died!
Moral of the story: don't get ntuc brand insect spray; use mortene (mom advised)
you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.

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