Friday, February 27, 2009


New Footpath...

Hmm...interesting that the footpath reaches the tree and then turns abruptly. It has been so long that I used the side remember the secret code.

New Neighbor....

There has been a man moving in and out. Last time I heard a woman, don't know if the woman was the housing agent or she lives there. Anyway, neighbor put a couch on his balcony....and he could not decide on where to put his flower vase....he put it up, then 1 hour later, he took it in, then this morning it was out again, and he put it on the floor. And he put an ikea cushion on his couch.
hmmm....if I were him, I'd worry about how much dust the couch and cushion is going to collect from the nearby construction.
Oh...he has an UGLY shoe rack outside of his door. It is REALLY UGLY!

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