Saturday, March 28, 2009

2nd floor lady vs 7th floor lady

Clash of the Titans.....

This is the latest. Yesterday 2nd flr lady sent out sms saying that she is going to 'saman' 7th flr lady for the following offenses:
bathing in swimming toilet
washing laundry in carpark tap
peeling prawns at bbq tap
charging hp, laptop, boil water, cook green bean soup on the socket in stairwell

Reminds me of Jesus writing on the floor and asking those with no sin to throw the first stone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

repotting orchids

This fella is just starting to bloom today.

I repotted the sweet smelling orchid into a new hanging orchid trough.

This one has also been repotted and hopefully with the new charcoal, it will start to bloom.
This one simply refused to bloom for the past 2 years.

This is the Toshiba flat screen tv.
My father was going to give me the old akira vcd player, but when we plugged it in today, the vcd player cannot play, so my father took to home to run some tests on it.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


And so there was all this sms updates....
How her sofa was burnt by some brute who threw down cigarettes.

And then there is that lady that peel prawns using the bbq sink. Plus taking showers in the swimming pool shower. Boiling water in the stairwell....

I don't know who is worse, the culprit or the one sms-ing all the details.

Honestly, I don't like either one.
I do not think public shaming is correct.
But on the other hand, if you go up to mahjong lady, she'll probably just ignor and continue.
What can you do but jump up and down?

And it is not worth it.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

keep pumping hormones into orchids!

After a year, my orchids have settled into a hormone feeding routine and blooming like crazy on my balcony. Maybe can bring some tao hua luck?

Friday, March 6, 2009

new orchids blooming

Flower buds....

This is the sweet smelling orchid...
The petals are yellowish...but turning a darker colour today.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

crocroach bait

I bought this today.
I killed 2 roaches last night. There is still one lurking inside my kitchen cabinet.
The box comes with 6 packets....i placed them in the kitchen, yard, toilets.
I also bought bay leaves from the supermarket.
Very expensive.
1 stalk costs $3 something.
Anyway, I put the bay leaves where the dishes and pots are.
The grounded bay leaves are cheaper....$1.90
I spinkled some on a tiny dish and left that lying near to the stove.
The star annise which is suppose to repel lizards and ants did nothing for the roaches.
The roaches didn't seem afriad of the napthelene balls either.
So I've moved the napthelene balls into my clothes cabinet.
Anyway, the important thing is to keep my apartment clean to prevent creepy crawlies from bugging the place.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

crocroach in the kitchen

2. You can make your own insecticide by mixing equal parts of baking soda and powdered sugar and setting up a mock bait plate for the roaches. After mixing your sugar and soda, eave the mixture in a shallow dish where roaches have been seen or are known to travel. The combination of sugar and soda is lethal to the cockroach.
3. Roaches hate the taste of bay leaves. You can naturally and safely keep most roaches at bay by placing the leaves anywhere you've seen roaches moving. Using bay leaves is a great way to keep roaches out of the rooms and play area of children.

Found this on the internet. I think I'll give this a try.
The roaches are bigger now...about an inch.
Maybe I will seal up the holes in the kitchen.
I've put napthelene near my kitchen and front door....don't know if it'll work.
Tomorrow I look for crocroach medicine in the supermarket.

I took my jin chian shu in for suntanning in my balcony....
I thought the leaves looked a bit yellow.