Friday, April 4, 2008


I did observation yesterday....

hmmm....I have a mahjong neighbor....they live one floor down from my neighbor. From my balcony, I can see them on their balcony.
Time of mahjong....Friday night till past midnight.....after which I shut windows and switched on air con to go to sleep.
Time of mahjong....Saturday morning....9am.
I will syncronise my piano with the mahjong.
So at 9:30am this morning, I played my piano!!!!!
haha....let the neighbors get used to it.

9am....I went to buy stuff to check out the market.
Neighbors are up. Some go down to central to have breakfast.
Came back and this lady was on the treadmill.....
wah lao....I got my exercise doing housework till 11pm last night. That must be a tai tai who need to run on the treadmill for her exercise.
Need to check out what time cute guys do their exercise....then I shall go running too! wink.

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