Friday, September 26, 2008

kay poh neighbours

Poor man with 3 china mistresses must be damn embarressed! And I was reading the sms aloud in Vietnam and my travelling companions couldn't believe that I have neighbours that would actually update us with such trivia. My sister suggested that we nominate madame D for president....afterall she is so eng....and she bothers so much about the condo....I'm sure she'll do a good job running after contractors and neighbours!

Stay clear or you could be the next broadcast of madame D!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Barang barang sale...
original price $99 $43
originally intended this stool for the foldable table...but now it is sitting next to the piano

Grass carpet $6.99 for the back door

grass carpet. This one is thicker $5.99 for the front door

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I think that in a place with such close communal living, it is best to:
1. mind your own business!
2. understand your neighbour's tolence of space, noise,.....

My neighbor likes to leave his rubbish bag outside his house.
Sometimes when I return back, that bag of rubbish is still there.
And I unhygenic.
Already there are cockroaches...which I smack DEAD!!!
I don't intend to attract RATS!.....there are rats in the basement carpark.....maybe they might learn to climb staircases....and I don't intend to run into them on my floor.
I suspect, this neighbour thinks that the cleaner will conveniently remove his rubbish for him.
Pleeez.....the rubbish chute is like.....10 steps away.

Now about that majong lady.....
And the saga continues.
Last night, the majong session ran till midnight.
Her majong gang came again today.

Well, maybe majong gang thinks, 'hey, midnight on a weekday night is REAL early!'.
Well, I am definitely still awake.
If the living room is noisy, I work in bedroom 2 which now has a table:-).
And if they are still at it when I go to bed, I just close my doors, curtains, windows, and on my aircon......and I don't hear them anymore!

I remember when she had her majong sessions before, the neighbors have not moved in.
Now that she has neighbours, I think she needs to be sensitive to other people's level of tolerance.

There is a solution you know:
1. Don't play majong on the balcony....move it indoors.
I think on weekends, I do hear people upstairs have majong sessions....but they play the sound is not so transparent.

2. Stop at 10 pm.
I notice people here sleep quite early. Just go outside and see whose lights are on and whose lights are not. Plus if neighbors have small children, they tend to go to bed very early.

Since I am also in the 'noise' business....
I checked...
HDB rulings are that noise can be tolerated (ie, no grounds for police reports or town council reports)
between 7am and 10pm

I've also checked business registrations which can be conducted at private homes and HDB.

I guess a good yardstick is to observe when the construction works next door begins and ends.
The piling starts at 8am and stops at 5pm.

There are solutions you know:
1. Close all curtains and doors and on the aircon. This will contain the noise level within the apartment.
2. Moderation.
3. Invest in sound student did that for her son which plays the DRUM!!!!
I will need about 7k to soundproof......Well if I ever need to soundproof....I will soundproof the smallest room....hehe...cost less. Even then the sound will escape through the windows and door.
4. Invest in thick curtains and carpet the small bedroom....will have to think if I ever do this, I will definitely stay here for long term.
5. Go upgrade to private HOUSE.
Or I can move neighbours have heard me play from kindergarden to now.....and I have a GRAND piano!

Quite a few units have DOGS....
now initially madam D have been complaining about her neighbors' barkative dog.
But now she got better things to do.
Oh...btw, last night, madam D called my hp....and asked me if majong lady is on her balcony playing majong.
She is like the self-designated 'block monitress'.

Moral of the story....
Very important: MIND MY OWN BUSINESS

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Mdm D called a resident's meeting to voice us out on the latest.
So I went.
This is under the fire stairs. It is made of cardboard. Through the rain and shine, water has seeped through the cardboard, and it looks like it is ready to drop off anytime.
Plus, if it is, the same material as the false ceiling, then is it fireproof?

The screws holding on to the cardboard is ready to drop off!

More damage done by the weather.

Madam D showed us this what was mentioned in the letter? hmmmm.....
1. Developer is not under REDAS ????
So cannot complain against them there.
But developer is under BCA......
2. Emergency matters: gate, fire exit, safety, security.
3. T mentioned getting a civil engineer to look into the structure, then see if we have a case against developer.
Things to do:
Go tap on all your walls and cracks may have been formed or cement may have settled, so hollows start to show.
Check your silicon....they could be turning mouldy especially if it is white in colour.
If you go toilet, close your yard door and balcony door!!!!!
10th floor person locked himself out one day, remembered madam D's story....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

furniture polish

You know I am still thinking about that furniture polish.
Well, I do have some at home...I'll go and read whether I can use that rosewood oil onto teak.
Then again, at the end of the is not even about furniture polish!

If lady boss had given me the polish...which is like $9.90 free...
I would have had a more pleasant shopping experience.

You know, I really really love my foldable table.
I am condident that all my writing done on that table will be very inspired.

Complaints.... they are complaining about mystery lady that comes in on weekends and does her swim, unaccompanied by the relative who is supposedly a resident.

Well, my sis and her brood of boys do come over for free swim but that is over the school holidays. I am usually upstairs and my sis takes her boys down.

I guess, now i just have to make sure I show face when the children go swimming or else, I do not want to invite people complaining about this and about that. And once they start, the list goes on and on.....

Life will be happier if we fill our COMPLAINTS with GRATEFULNESS.

Friday, September 5, 2008

my foldable table at last.
Thanks KC!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

table in bedroom2

This is the space.
This is the table to fill the space.
Actually, I probably need to go and measure the space.
The ugly table got voted down by 2 adult students whom I asked to help me decide.

Monday, September 1, 2008


1st Choice:
Rectangle foldable table from HDB furniture store. 95cm x 63cmx75cm(H)
I checked the one at PP and it costs $45. They do not deliver.
This is the same one that I use at SH for students to do theory in the day; and double up as writing table in my room at night.
The height is right.
The one I use at SH has lasted 15 years and still going strong.
Wood Veneer: light and cheap.
Pros:It is portable; rectangular, light, foldable, CHEAP! Scores high on Functionality and Price.
Cons: It looks CHEAP and UGLY:( Then again, I am putting it in the room and writing tables do not need to look beautiful....

2nd Choice:
The round 80cm foldable teak table from teakland.
Cost: $250 (look for lady boss)
$20 extra for delivery (lady boss quote)
The height is right.
It is foldable!
It will take up less space than the rectangle one. But it is round so space is also wasted putting a round table in a square room.
Teak: durable, hardy. But discolour if under sunlight.
Pros: LOOKS GOOD. Can double up usage in room and balcony.
Cons: This is EXPENSIVE.

3rd Choice:
That $69 table from scanteak....or $49.90 from Carrefour.
Scanteak is having a SALE now!
The height is too low for writing table.
The size is too small for serious use.
It has Holes on the cannot write on top of it, and things will drop through the holes.
Uses: Can put balcony; put TV in living rm; put rice cooker if cooking in yard.
Cons: Wrong height, wrong size, got holes.

Needs vs Wants....
A table is a table is a table.

If KC buy & deliver, go with 1st choice.
If Mary buy & KC deliver, go with 2nd choice.

I am conducting a workshop next week.
Right now I have 5 people signed up.
Need to go and check email to see if people signed up there.
This will go into fund for buying table!!!

And I thought a copier-scanner-printer for under a 100 is ridiculous....I was proven wrong.
I saw 4 items:
1. Epson: cheapes ink only 9.90. BUT bulky. Though a cool black colour. PRICE: $99
2. Canon: ink costs $20 plus. Size more compact. Free wireless headset. PRICE: $99
3. Brother: uses 4 ink cartridges. Bulky. PRICE $88
4. HP: the $99 only prints, cannot scan and copy.

Final choice: epson.....but when I went there, the guy couldn't get the printer to print a sample for me to see.
Final purchase: Canon!!!!!