Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Mdm D called a resident's meeting to voice us out on the latest.
So I went.
This is under the fire stairs. It is made of cardboard. Through the rain and shine, water has seeped through the cardboard, and it looks like it is ready to drop off anytime.
Plus, if it is cardboard...ie, the same material as the false ceiling, then is it fireproof?

The screws holding on to the cardboard is ready to drop off!

More damage done by the weather.

Madam D showed us this sign.....er....remember what was mentioned in the letter? hmmmm.....
1. Developer is not under REDAS ????
So cannot complain against them there.
But developer is under BCA......
2. Emergency matters: gate, fire exit, safety, security.
3. T mentioned getting a civil engineer to look into the structure, then see if we have a case against developer.
Things to do:
Go tap on all your walls and tiles.....new cracks may have been formed or cement may have settled, so hollows start to show.
Check your silicon....they could be turning mouldy especially if it is white in colour.
If you go toilet, close your yard door and balcony door!!!!!
10th floor person locked himself out one day, remembered madam D's story....

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