Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Event, manage your Response, change the outcome.

Anyway, I got a phonecall to help to sign the letter requesting for AGM. We got some very smart people in the block. Apparently they calculated that we should get both the penthouses and 6 units of -01's....these have larger floor areas and we will chalk up the quota faster to call for an AGM.
So from the swimming pool they looked up and called the -o1's with lights on.

I was glad that I spoke up against lawsuit because I was joined by another voice which brought up the points that lawsuits are costly, time consuming, no win-win, bad publicity and our property price may drop.
Good points.

The efficient people don't complain too much. They take action rather than sit around waiting for people to act. They pick up the phone to call, they write letters, they walk the talk.

Well put into good use, it is very good.
Put into bad use, it can get very scary too.
eg. someone threaten to post photos of majong lady washing clothes now in the carpark!!!!
public a bit everitt behaviour...I think.

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