Tuesday, August 26, 2008

court case brewing

Ok I understand that the fire staircase and the iron gate needs improvement, but today there were like 20 emails to-ing and fro-ing about AGM, Court case, law suits and what knot....

I think people even suggested taking photo of majong lady in action and sticking her 'crime' on the notice board.

I just want to live quietly...
I don't live in a penthouse, so my lawyer is not in my speed dial. Actually, I've seen my lawyer's secretary more times and I have only seen my lawyer ONCE.
I am too poor for law suits.
Can all this unhappiness, which honestly is a bit overblown, be settled without calling lawyers?
Lawyers are expensive!

Penthouse owner said his balcony has puddle of water collecting when it rains.
Actually mine too because I asked them to replace the tiles that were chipped...and then the new tiles are not the same level as the old tiles....and then rain water collect.
And normal people like me just take a cloth and wipe dry the water whenever it rains!

Penthouse owner also said there were cracks down his walls.
.....maybe they start from the top and it will take a while to reach down to the lower levels.

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