Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas came and Christmas went....

I went down to daiso to see what CNY decorations I could buy to put outside my house. I bought a 'fu'. Will have to hang it up next time I go down. So come and look at my door on New Year's Day!

Scotch 3M oblong mop....
After one year of using my orange mop, it looks like I have to upgrade to a new one.
Scotch 3M mop at NTUC $25...something
Scotch 3M mop at Carrefour $24.90
Need to check out price at Giant.

Things I want in January....
As usual, things I want may not be things I need.
I just day dream and hope they drop down from the sky!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Pay 2k to rent or pay 2k to own?

I read in the papers today about a certain high profile professor going off to USA on a year's sabbatical to do some very interesting stuff.....teach, research etc.
A mavarick personality who likes to do things off the beaten track. He pays 2k in rent to live in a bungalow with a big garden. " I guess if I were some multi-billionaire, I would.......but I am not a multi-billionaire." Finding alternatives, non-attachments to the material, being contented with life.....

So do we own our life?
If we seriously fall ill, can I say.....I don't want to be a burdan to my loved ones, to society...hence, let me die?

Look at it this way, in our glorified body after ressurection, there will be no illness, no handicaps, no imperfections. So when we start with this basis, then the imperfections, the unhappiness, the illness, any disability etc makes sense. In this world, things will NOT be perfect. And so in that imperfection, we are asked to choose LOVE.

Eg. a child is born with some disability. Is it a punishment? Not really. Which parent does not want a perfect healthy baby? Does that child born with disability deserve any less LOVE? No.

Eg. You are like that actor who discovered he has muscular dystrophy. Then? Does the LOVE of his wife, mother and children diminish? And very often, it is that LOVE that will sustain both the sick and his care-givers.

People complained when my students ate their chicken rice dinner on the tables and chairs next to the swimming pool.
'So? Who said cannot eat there?'


Everything in our lives is but a gift, to be used as a gift
Several years ago a young Benedictine monk shared this story in class.
He lived in a monastery that kept a rather strict rule. Their observance of
poverty and obedience required that he ask permission of his abbot before
purchasing anything, even the smallest object.
If he wanted to buy a new shirt, he needed the abbot¹s permission. Likewise
if he wanted to take some stationary supplies from the storeroom, a pen or
some paper, he needed permission. For years, he felt that this was
³I felt like a child,² he said. ³It seemed silly to me that a grown man
should have to ask permission to buy a new shirt. I looked at men my own age
who were married, raising children, paying for houses, and presidents of
companies and I felt that our rule reduced me to a child and I resented it.²
But eventually his attitude changed: ³I came to realize that there is an
important spiritual and psychological principle in our rule in having to ask
permission to buy or use something. Ultimately none of us owns anything and
nothing comes to us by right.
Everything is a gfit
³Everything is a gift, including life itself, everything should have to be
asked for and nothing should be taken for granted as if it was ours by
right. We should be grateful to God just for giving us a little space.
There should be an abbot in each of our lives from whom we should ask for
permission to buy or use anything.
³Now when I ask permission from the abbot, I no longer feel like a child.
Rather I feel that I am more properly in tune with the way things should be
in a gift-oriented universe where nobody has a right to ultimately claim
anything as his own.
³Everyone should have to ask for permission before buying or using
His story reminded me of an incident in my own life: When I was a novice in
our Oblate novitiate, our novice-master tried to impress upon us the meaning
of religious poverty by making us write two Latin words, Ad usam, inside of
every book that was given us for our own use. Literally the words translate
into ³For use.²
The idea was that although a book was given to you for your personal use,
you were never to think that you actually owned it. Real ownership lay
You were only a steward of someone else¹s property.
This idea was then extended to everything else that you were given for your
personal use ‹ your clothes, your sports equipment, things you received from
your family, and even your toiletries and toothbrush.
You got to use them, but they were not really yours. You had them ad usam.
One of the young men in that novitiate eventually left our community and
went on to become a medical doctor. He remains a close friend and one day
while I was in his office I picked up one of his medical textbooks. I opened
the cover and there were the words: Ad usam.
We own nothing
When I asked him about this he made a comment to this effect: ³Even though I
no longer belong to a religious order and no longer have the vow of poverty,
I still like to live by the principle that our novice-master taught us: In
the end, we don¹t really own anything. These books aren¹t really my own even
though I¹ve paid for them. They¹re mine to use, temporarily. Nothing really
belongs to anybody and I try not to forget that.²
Everything comes to us as gift so that nothing can ever be owned as ours by
Both of these stories can help remind us of something that deep down we
already know but tend to forget, namely, that what ultimately undergirds all
spirituality, all morality, and all authentic human relationship is the
unalterable truth that everything comes to us as gift so that nothing can
ever be owned as ours by right.
Life is a gift, breath is a gift, our body is a gift, food is gift, any love
given us is a gift, friendship is a gift, our talents are a gift, our
toothbrush is a gift, and the shirts, pencils, pens, medical textbooks we
use are each of them a gift.
We get to have them, ad usam, but we should never nurse the illusion that we
own them, that they are ours, that we can claim them by right.
Metaphorically there should be an abbot in each of our lives from whom we
should ask for permission to buy or use anything. That would be a recipe for
In those moments when we are most in touch with ourselves (and generally
those are the moments when we most feel our vulnerability and contingency),
we sense that truth.
The reverse is also true, at moments when we feel strong, in control, and
aware of our own power, we tend to forget this truth and cling to the
illusion that things are ours by right.
Maybe if we all had to ask permission to buy a new toothbrush or a new item
of clothing we would be more aware that everything we think we own is really
only ours ad usam.
Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and
disenchantment it is perennial as the grass.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

phang thu trang

Vietnamese painter.
Phang Thu Trang. The above painting was a set done on the 4 seasons. I like Winter and Autumn. The price is cheaper....$4K plus.

Fan Shao Hua

Another artist that I like....
Fan Shao Hua. I love some of the vibrant oils displayed at ODE TO ART gallery at Raffles City Shopping Center. The black and white one looks like a photograph.
There was another piece in vibrant RED going at $8,800

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Orchard's road's christmas trees

Christmas tree at Takashimaya

Christmas tree outside raffles city

Christmas tree outside paragon

Distant sails painting on the wall before framing.
Price $1000
mei hua painting on the wall before framing.
Price $300

Friday, December 5, 2008

musings on paintings

1. words: the clear river and the distant sails
2. words: a picture of happy spring

Er....this is suppose to be the official translation of those words on the paintings.
After yoga today, I went to MICA building to view the art galleries there.
Did not see anything that I like.

This is the current vote status:
1st choice: picture of happy spring....3 votes
2nd choice: clear river and the distant sails....1 vote

For $300 the happy spring one seems a good buy.
hmmmmm.....let me mull on it some more

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

1st choice: moutain with river
2nd choice: mei hua with birds
3rd choice: mountain with the waterfall
4th choice: river with almond tree

chinese paintings

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

cigarettes landing on my balcony

This is dangerous because had it landed on laundry, which I put at that same spot, a fire could have been set off. What if I was not in? There are a lot of units that put laundry on the balcony.....05, 02.

I actually stepped out to the swimming pool to look up to see if anyone is out smoking. 12 and 10 had lights on the balcony on. But I guess at this point it is best to keep it general and not to point fingers. I have seen coloured circulars inserted under the doors of the 03's.
So I know this is not a lone incident. And you know smokers.....they smoke on one day....they probably will be smoking every day out on the balcony.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Lesson from Desparate Housewives

Last night's episode of Desparate Housewives showed the new neighbours....those 2 guys who put a fountain into their garden. Then the neighbourhood got together to vote for the president, to go and takan the 2 guys to remove the fountain.
How every household has a 'little secret' to hide....
And how everyone eventually has a political agenda up their sleeves....ultimately it is everyone for themselves!

I suppose that is TRUE for EVERY place that you live in.

My parents do not mix with our neighbours.
Maybe I should learn a lesson or 2 from them.

With that kaypoh auntie on the unit above the swimming pool.....She is the equivalent of auntie A (that takes a lift home from mer's mom every day).....she knows everybody's business and she makes sure nobody knows her business. But a lesson to learn from the majong lady......
1. keep a low profile
2. pretend ignorance
3. don't attend meetings
4. ignor gossips
5. build a thick skin
6. retaliate if need be
7. stay quiet long enough until kaypoh auntie has new things to keep her busy then she will move on to NEW project.

to view concert, go to 'myname'

Then again, if not for neighbours....I wouldn't be able to get the spaghetti straps to hold up my gown...because my hands are not long enough to reach to the back to tie the straps.
So, one or 2 good neighbours is enough....
Then stay out of the aggressive to act blur a bit.

Friday, November 14, 2008


A letter from management was circulated among the letter boxes today about the noise level.


Student gave me her left over sound absorption cardbox. This is the commercial type of sound absorbing foam material that they use to soundproof music rooms. I've placed 6 pieces of this behind the soundbox of my piano and underneath the piano.....and reinforced it with carpet. Now if this does not work, I don't know what will.

Soundproof means minimal noise level. It does not mean ZERO noise level.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Another artist I am looking at

I like her works.

balcony concrete peeling off

Discovered this last week. The railing to my balcony is supported by the concrete, which is like dropping off!
Called the developer.
Emailed the developer.
Great....they are coming to fix it this Saturday.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Christmas has arrived at my door!

more on paintings

Ong Kim Seng...still waters at Jiangxi....$13K

The Piano Side of my living room.....

This is the Vietnam silk painting after framing....

Distant view of the vietnam painting....

This is the spot for the painting that I am still searching for.....

ng woon lam painting

I went down to the gallery today. Searched Tanglin the end found that I was at the wrong place. It was Tanglin Shopping Center. Ha...I was in luck. The owner Mr. Ng himself was just unlocking the door to the gallery....and there in front of me was the piece that I emailed him for viewing. Nothing beats the artist himself telling you about the masterpiece.
This is priced at $3,800
Includes delivery, hanging, and frame.
I'm going to give it a week and see if the piece grows on me.
Like I've always said, if it is hanging there for the next 365 days times the number of years....I'm going to be living with this piece of Art! So I'd better buy something that I really like.
What you think?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Bali scene painted c. 1990s by Ong Kim Seng selling price $4800
Some backlane scene by Ong Kim Seng c. 1990s selling price $4800 from the same dealer

I bought this piece that is now framed and hanging on my wall. The framing cost $190!!!
Art investment...
Artist Ng Woon Lam actually replied to my queries:-)
The other pieces that I am looking is the water colours of Ong Kim Seng....
Went down to Belvedere Gallery to view the works.

Friday, September 26, 2008

kay poh neighbours

Poor man with 3 china mistresses must be damn embarressed! And I was reading the sms aloud in Vietnam and my travelling companions couldn't believe that I have neighbours that would actually update us with such trivia. My sister suggested that we nominate madame D for president....afterall she is so eng....and she bothers so much about the condo....I'm sure she'll do a good job running after contractors and neighbours!

Stay clear or you could be the next broadcast of madame D!

Friday, September 19, 2008


Barang barang sale...
original price $99 $43
originally intended this stool for the foldable table...but now it is sitting next to the piano

Grass carpet $6.99 for the back door

grass carpet. This one is thicker $5.99 for the front door

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I think that in a place with such close communal living, it is best to:
1. mind your own business!
2. understand your neighbour's tolence of space, noise,.....

My neighbor likes to leave his rubbish bag outside his house.
Sometimes when I return back, that bag of rubbish is still there.
And I unhygenic.
Already there are cockroaches...which I smack DEAD!!!
I don't intend to attract RATS!.....there are rats in the basement carpark.....maybe they might learn to climb staircases....and I don't intend to run into them on my floor.
I suspect, this neighbour thinks that the cleaner will conveniently remove his rubbish for him.
Pleeez.....the rubbish chute is like.....10 steps away.

Now about that majong lady.....
And the saga continues.
Last night, the majong session ran till midnight.
Her majong gang came again today.

Well, maybe majong gang thinks, 'hey, midnight on a weekday night is REAL early!'.
Well, I am definitely still awake.
If the living room is noisy, I work in bedroom 2 which now has a table:-).
And if they are still at it when I go to bed, I just close my doors, curtains, windows, and on my aircon......and I don't hear them anymore!

I remember when she had her majong sessions before, the neighbors have not moved in.
Now that she has neighbours, I think she needs to be sensitive to other people's level of tolerance.

There is a solution you know:
1. Don't play majong on the balcony....move it indoors.
I think on weekends, I do hear people upstairs have majong sessions....but they play the sound is not so transparent.

2. Stop at 10 pm.
I notice people here sleep quite early. Just go outside and see whose lights are on and whose lights are not. Plus if neighbors have small children, they tend to go to bed very early.

Since I am also in the 'noise' business....
I checked...
HDB rulings are that noise can be tolerated (ie, no grounds for police reports or town council reports)
between 7am and 10pm

I've also checked business registrations which can be conducted at private homes and HDB.

I guess a good yardstick is to observe when the construction works next door begins and ends.
The piling starts at 8am and stops at 5pm.

There are solutions you know:
1. Close all curtains and doors and on the aircon. This will contain the noise level within the apartment.
2. Moderation.
3. Invest in sound student did that for her son which plays the DRUM!!!!
I will need about 7k to soundproof......Well if I ever need to soundproof....I will soundproof the smallest room....hehe...cost less. Even then the sound will escape through the windows and door.
4. Invest in thick curtains and carpet the small bedroom....will have to think if I ever do this, I will definitely stay here for long term.
5. Go upgrade to private HOUSE.
Or I can move neighbours have heard me play from kindergarden to now.....and I have a GRAND piano!

Quite a few units have DOGS....
now initially madam D have been complaining about her neighbors' barkative dog.
But now she got better things to do.
Oh...btw, last night, madam D called my hp....and asked me if majong lady is on her balcony playing majong.
She is like the self-designated 'block monitress'.

Moral of the story....
Very important: MIND MY OWN BUSINESS

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Mdm D called a resident's meeting to voice us out on the latest.
So I went.
This is under the fire stairs. It is made of cardboard. Through the rain and shine, water has seeped through the cardboard, and it looks like it is ready to drop off anytime.
Plus, if it is, the same material as the false ceiling, then is it fireproof?

The screws holding on to the cardboard is ready to drop off!

More damage done by the weather.

Madam D showed us this what was mentioned in the letter? hmmmm.....
1. Developer is not under REDAS ????
So cannot complain against them there.
But developer is under BCA......
2. Emergency matters: gate, fire exit, safety, security.
3. T mentioned getting a civil engineer to look into the structure, then see if we have a case against developer.
Things to do:
Go tap on all your walls and cracks may have been formed or cement may have settled, so hollows start to show.
Check your silicon....they could be turning mouldy especially if it is white in colour.
If you go toilet, close your yard door and balcony door!!!!!
10th floor person locked himself out one day, remembered madam D's story....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

furniture polish

You know I am still thinking about that furniture polish.
Well, I do have some at home...I'll go and read whether I can use that rosewood oil onto teak.
Then again, at the end of the is not even about furniture polish!

If lady boss had given me the polish...which is like $9.90 free...
I would have had a more pleasant shopping experience.

You know, I really really love my foldable table.
I am condident that all my writing done on that table will be very inspired.

Complaints.... they are complaining about mystery lady that comes in on weekends and does her swim, unaccompanied by the relative who is supposedly a resident.

Well, my sis and her brood of boys do come over for free swim but that is over the school holidays. I am usually upstairs and my sis takes her boys down.

I guess, now i just have to make sure I show face when the children go swimming or else, I do not want to invite people complaining about this and about that. And once they start, the list goes on and on.....

Life will be happier if we fill our COMPLAINTS with GRATEFULNESS.

Friday, September 5, 2008

my foldable table at last.
Thanks KC!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

table in bedroom2

This is the space.
This is the table to fill the space.
Actually, I probably need to go and measure the space.
The ugly table got voted down by 2 adult students whom I asked to help me decide.

Monday, September 1, 2008


1st Choice:
Rectangle foldable table from HDB furniture store. 95cm x 63cmx75cm(H)
I checked the one at PP and it costs $45. They do not deliver.
This is the same one that I use at SH for students to do theory in the day; and double up as writing table in my room at night.
The height is right.
The one I use at SH has lasted 15 years and still going strong.
Wood Veneer: light and cheap.
Pros:It is portable; rectangular, light, foldable, CHEAP! Scores high on Functionality and Price.
Cons: It looks CHEAP and UGLY:( Then again, I am putting it in the room and writing tables do not need to look beautiful....

2nd Choice:
The round 80cm foldable teak table from teakland.
Cost: $250 (look for lady boss)
$20 extra for delivery (lady boss quote)
The height is right.
It is foldable!
It will take up less space than the rectangle one. But it is round so space is also wasted putting a round table in a square room.
Teak: durable, hardy. But discolour if under sunlight.
Pros: LOOKS GOOD. Can double up usage in room and balcony.
Cons: This is EXPENSIVE.

3rd Choice:
That $69 table from scanteak....or $49.90 from Carrefour.
Scanteak is having a SALE now!
The height is too low for writing table.
The size is too small for serious use.
It has Holes on the cannot write on top of it, and things will drop through the holes.
Uses: Can put balcony; put TV in living rm; put rice cooker if cooking in yard.
Cons: Wrong height, wrong size, got holes.

Needs vs Wants....
A table is a table is a table.

If KC buy & deliver, go with 1st choice.
If Mary buy & KC deliver, go with 2nd choice.

I am conducting a workshop next week.
Right now I have 5 people signed up.
Need to go and check email to see if people signed up there.
This will go into fund for buying table!!!

And I thought a copier-scanner-printer for under a 100 is ridiculous....I was proven wrong.
I saw 4 items:
1. Epson: cheapes ink only 9.90. BUT bulky. Though a cool black colour. PRICE: $99
2. Canon: ink costs $20 plus. Size more compact. Free wireless headset. PRICE: $99
3. Brother: uses 4 ink cartridges. Bulky. PRICE $88
4. HP: the $99 only prints, cannot scan and copy.

Final choice: epson.....but when I went there, the guy couldn't get the printer to print a sample for me to see.
Final purchase: Canon!!!!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

I am heading down to comex. I want to see if there is a copier-scanner-printer for under $100.

my plants

This is the pot of mint plant that nearly died!!!!!
It looks happy now:-)

See the crumbled edges of the leave? My neighbor came over yesterday and told me that was a sign of fertilise burn. Oh-oh.... guess I have to stop spraying fertiliser on this poor chap. I shall let it recover first. I've brought the plant indoors.

Orchid bloomed this week!

my plants

scanteak table

This is the scanteak table. Cost at scan teak is $69
I saw the same table at carrefour for $49.90


But today neighbour said that teak wood will loose it's colour if put outdoors in the sun. Hmmm...unless you constantly put a coat of varnish over it.
Let me look around some more.
I am not in a hurry....

I wonder if I should go down to COMEX tomorrow...or go down to TANGS to see if my vouchers can buy me anything.

Speaking of vouchers. Must go and remind KC of vouchers that they were touting at their booth. How come I did not get any?
Then again, my purchase is not final because I have yet to complete that stupid urine test !!!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008



Event, manage your Response, change the outcome.

Anyway, I got a phonecall to help to sign the letter requesting for AGM. We got some very smart people in the block. Apparently they calculated that we should get both the penthouses and 6 units of -01's....these have larger floor areas and we will chalk up the quota faster to call for an AGM.
So from the swimming pool they looked up and called the -o1's with lights on.

I was glad that I spoke up against lawsuit because I was joined by another voice which brought up the points that lawsuits are costly, time consuming, no win-win, bad publicity and our property price may drop.
Good points.

The efficient people don't complain too much. They take action rather than sit around waiting for people to act. They pick up the phone to call, they write letters, they walk the talk.

Well put into good use, it is very good.
Put into bad use, it can get very scary too.
eg. someone threaten to post photos of majong lady washing clothes now in the carpark!!!!
public a bit everitt behaviour...I think.

Ducks Quack, Eagles Fly

Ducks Quack, Eagles Fly* No one can make you serve customers well. That's because great service is a choice. Harvey Mackay, tells a wonderful story about a cab driver that proved this point. He was waiting in line for a ride at the airport. When a cab pulled up, the first thing Harvey noticed was that the taxi was polished to a bright shine. Smartly dressed in a white shirt, black tie, and freshly pressed black slacks, the cab driver jumped out and rounded the car to open the back passenger door for Harvey . He handed my friend a laminated card and said: 'I'm Wally, your driver. While I'm loading your bags in the trunk I'd like you to read my mission statement.' Taken aback, Harvey read the card. It said:
Wally's Mission Statement: To get my customers to their destination in the quickest, safest and cheapest way possible in a friendly environment. This blew Harvey away. Especially when he noticed that the inside of the cab matched the outside. Spotlessly clean! As he slid behind the wheel, Wally said, 'Would you like a cup of coffee? I have a thermos of regular and one of decaf.' My friend said jokingly, 'No, I'd prefer a soft drink.' Wally smiled and said, 'No problem. I have a cooler up front with regular and Diet Coke, water and orange juice.' Almost stuttering, Harvey said, 'I'll take a Diet Coke.' Handing him his drink, Wally said, 'If you'd like something to read, I have The Wall Street Journal, Time, Sports Illustrated and USA Today.' As they were pulling away, Wally handed my friend another laminated card. 'These are the stations I get and the music they play, if you'd like to listen to the radio.' And as if that weren't enough, Wally told Harvey that he had the air conditioning on and asked if the temperature was comfortable for him. Then he advised Harvey of the best route to his destination for that time of day.
He also let him know that he'd be happy to chat and tell him about some of the sights or, if Harvey preferred, to leave him with his own thoughts. 'Tell me, Wally,' my amazed friend asked the driver, 'have you always served customers like this?' Wally smiled into the rear view mirror. 'No, not always. In fact, it's only been in the last two years. My first five years driving, I spent most of my time complaining like all the rest of the cabbies do. Then I heard the personal growth guru, Wayne Dyer, on the radio one day. He had just written a book called 'You'll See It When You Believe It'.
Dyer said that if you get up in the morning expecting to have a bad day, you'll rarely disappoint yourself.
He said, 'Stop complaining! Differentiate yourself from your competition. Don't be a duck. Be an eagle. Ducks quack and complain. Eagles soar above the crowd.'' 'That hit me right between the eyes,' said Wally. 'Dyer was really talking about me. I was always quacking and complaining, so I decided to change my attitude and become an eagle. I looked around at the other cabs and their drivers. The cabs were dirty, the drivers were unfriendly, and the customers were unhappy. So I decided to make some changes. I put in a few at a time. When my customers responded well, I did more.' 'I take it that has paid off for you,' Harvey said.
'It sure has,' Wally replied. 'My first year as an eagle, I doubled my income from the previous year. This year I'll probably quadruple it. You were lucky to get me today. I don't sit at cabstands anymore. My customers call me for appointments on my cell phone or leave a message on my answering machine. If I can't pick them up myself, I get a reliable cabbie friend to do it and I take a piece of the action.' Wally was phenomenal. He was running a limo service out of a Yellow Cab. I've probably told that story to more than fifty cab drivers over the years, and only two took the idea and ran with it. Whenever I go to their cities, I give them a call. The rest of the drivers quacked like ducks and told me all the reasons they couldn't do any of what I was suggesting. Wally the Cab Driver made a different choice.
He decided to stop quacking like ducks and start soaring like eagles. How about us???
Leading the Change of Life & Many More........ .
Enjoy The Life........ !

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

court case brewing

Ok I understand that the fire staircase and the iron gate needs improvement, but today there were like 20 emails to-ing and fro-ing about AGM, Court case, law suits and what knot....

I think people even suggested taking photo of majong lady in action and sticking her 'crime' on the notice board.

I just want to live quietly...
I don't live in a penthouse, so my lawyer is not in my speed dial. Actually, I've seen my lawyer's secretary more times and I have only seen my lawyer ONCE.
I am too poor for law suits.
Can all this unhappiness, which honestly is a bit overblown, be settled without calling lawyers?
Lawyers are expensive!

Penthouse owner said his balcony has puddle of water collecting when it rains.
Actually mine too because I asked them to replace the tiles that were chipped...and then the new tiles are not the same level as the old tiles....and then rain water collect.
And normal people like me just take a cloth and wipe dry the water whenever it rains!

Penthouse owner also said there were cracks down his walls.
.....maybe they start from the top and it will take a while to reach down to the lower levels.

Monday, August 25, 2008


My sister said to me, 'you still looking for table?'

Oh....I am always looking for things to beautify my home. But these days I shop like an auntie because I don't want to buy white elephants to put in my house.
Have to consider:
1. Is it worth the $$$
2. Am I going to utilise it
3. Is it durable
4. Is it cheap but not cheap looking
5. Is it difficult to CLEAN!!!!!
6. Is this a novelty....5 days from I still thinking of that item...or once I have acquired the object...the object will loose it's appeal?

Every object is an investment of love, thought and consideration.
I don't believe in buying something at the spur of the moment and then chucking it aside....or get tired of it and change furniture every 5 years.

Then there is the opportunity cost...
I take $$$ out to buy something....I incur an opportunity cost that this $$$ can be used elsewhere.

My Sister....who is the cerebral one...said....
No need to think.
You like just buy.

Then I read my friend's facebook and she was blogging about how a donation of stoma bags to a sick elderly made that person very grateful. On and on the list read....this elderly needs tv. That elderly needs bedsheets. Someone needs a walking stick. So happened friend was I asked her....she said the cheapest donation was $20 for the walking stick....and the most expensive is $600 for the tv.

Well this is the deal then....
If friend emails me of a need that outways the cost of that foldable table, that means the $$$ is needed elsewhere.
If my share price goes wayyyyyyyyy up.....then I can get both the table and fulfil someone's charity need.
If charity need does not arise....then I will put $$$ on the table.

And if in doubt then don't make any move.
Right is hanging on to 'DON'T MOVE'

foldable chairs


Friday, August 22, 2008

table top water feature

Smaller table top water features for less that $100.
Then you'll have to treat the water so that when you off it, there are no mozzies.
Electricity or battery?
Plus, under the sun, algae will grow.....and the thing will turn green!
While water features are nice, think of the maintainance.
Anyway, if I buy it, I'll be the one maintaining it.

This beautiful garden feature for balcony is from the Nature Co. There was an advertisement in the papers....they are having a sale. I need to go and check it out.
The above water feature is $168

Outdoor furniture viewing spree

This is the folding table from Teakland Gallery.
Last time I was quoted $280....but today lady boss quoted me $250 for 80cm, and $230 for 70cm.
This is the one that can double up as writing table height....with the Ikea foldable chairs.

I like this stool also from Teakland Gallery. $78

Tanjong Katong Branch that specializes in Outdoor furniture.

I love the lamps. This is the water hyacinth collection: Big $500; Medium $480; Small $450.
This one I can change the light bulb without having to climb ladder. And it has a nice feel.

This combination was recommended to me. Chair $550 Table $450. They are having 20% storewide sale.
Resin: so can wash. 5 year gurantee. Interior is aluminium so will not warp or turn mouldy.
Water durable.

Close up of the Fiona Tombo set. Special this weekend only. If table only = $350 lelong price.

This is the Fiona & Tombo collection lelong at $1,199 + $53.50 for delivery.
I like the round table.

You know, if I have money to throw around, I don't need to think. But I am so fussy about the look of the furniture, how use friendly it is, how easy to maintain it is....take measurements....think and think and think.....
Anyway, I love everything that I see at Natural Living.
And it always comes down to needs and wants.....
How often will I sit on that chair or use that table????

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The mah jong lady

Residents have complained about that lady who uses the swimming pool toilet to shower every night. Plus, do her laundry at 3pm.

I think emailing and comparing notes on the general compound is fine. Complaining about neighbors....can tread a fine line to the Everit behaviour.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Here you can see the buds on my orchid plant.

This orchid has bloomed for a week now.

Plant stand bought from IKEA last night. Originally intended to put my TV on the plant stand, but it seems too I took it out to put the money plant which has leaves falling out of the pot. I hear that the roots can stain the wall. So I think putting it on a stand will solve that for now.

I picked this plant out of the cactus section. $2.50. Cheap!
Then as I make my payment, the lady told me that the plant is a feng shui plant.
So I asked, where must I put it....
The lady said, 'go by feel'.

This is the terranium that I made. I got the inspiration after seeing this at hortpark. Of course the hortpark one is much nicer. But I like mine too.