Monday, March 3, 2008

The black dining light

Black dining lamp that I like.
Comes with uplighting, dimmer.....$500.
Rather expensive.

Looking at lights is like looking at boyfriends...., you love them or you hate them. I'm trying to not be too cerebral and let my emotions free flow to what appeals to me at my subliminal subconcious level. Then reality sets in when you look at the price. Hmmm....then again, if something really strikes me, it is really PRICELESS. Can I imagine myself eating my meals under this dining light?

I went back another day after pondering on my options. I gave this light a miss.


My near fallout with G.
I must say that I really lurv the lights that G picked out for me at DL. Then I looked at the hefty price tag!
Or rather.....!!!!!!!!.....I had a heart attack!
Then I announced that I wanted to go to CH.....and I think it was G's turn for a heart attack!

Money makes the world go round, the world go round, the world go round...lalala...

I believe in Talents.
I don't think you can replicate a person's originality, thoughts and ideas.
Don't know if G believes that I value his ideas.
Still he has a job to do. Maybe he thinks he is just doing his job.

Artistic people are Rarely driven by a JOB....nah...that is SOOOOOO mundane.


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