Sunday, March 16, 2008


Music Clef...
I know the boss. So it was easy to specify what piano, how old and what kind of sound I wanted. Boss narrowed my search down to 3 sets. I guess the final decision has to be a non-cerebral one. Yep, I choose my piano based on 'feel'. A gut feeling that lets on, yep, I'm going to enjoy playing and practising this piano for the rest of my life.

I went over to the REAL kawaii shop to check out what the new models sound and feel like. In spite of the humongous size of the showroom and the posh environment.....oh, the shingeru kawaii is beautiful....cost 50K, and the entry level upright costs 7k. Erm....all beyond my budget.

They have 2nd hand sets going for 6.9K.....and that is still beyond my budget.

So, I returned to Music Clef to make my final decision.
7yrs old US6X model, an upright grand.
Cost 6K....brought down to 5.8 if pay in installment and 5.5K if pay upfront....
and bargain down to $5350 final price!
Throw in cover, coaster, adjustable bench, free delivery and one free tuning.
ok...i am happy!

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