Friday, March 7, 2008

The Examen

By asking each night, before going to bed, two simple questions, and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to us the answers, we can grow to find out what brings us life, and what drains us of life. The two questions can be phrased in a number of ways:

- What brought me most life today?- What drained me most of life today?
- What brought me most joy today?- What brought me most sadness today?

- What was the highest point of my day?- What was the lowest point of my day?
- What moment of today would I like to relive?

- What moment of today would I never want to relive?

As each moment or activity is brought to mind through the working of the Holy Spirit, we are asked to focus on going through that moment again, and asking ourselves what is it that we were doing and how we felt to bring about such consolation and desolation. This is how we get in touch with our deepest self, and how we get in touch with what God is saying to us in the little things of each day. It is about reflecting on our lives, our actions, our moments, and our feelings, instead of just rushing through life.

The saddest point in my life today was when G asked me to settle it with D myself.

There were 2 high points today:
When the phone line got cut off as I was talking to D, I felt abandoned.
And then, D called back.
And I knew that I was not abandoned.

When I was at Mootak, the part time shop person said that there was a sale next week.
He made the experience at the shop a memorable one because I saw good pieces.
And knowing that there was a sale next week, if I really liked something, I would go back and get it.

You know at the end of the day, things are things.
People matter.

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