Saturday, March 8, 2008

the surface top team

Potato polishing my cresto surface top.
Don't ask me why baby powder calls this chief bangladeshi 'potato', but this fellow is suppose to be the the BEST!
Yep Yep, nothing but the best.

My piano tuner btw, is the best from big Y. I went through many technicians who could not hear what I was complaining about. It was a strange clicking sound every time I played that particular key. And finally big Y sent YF over. YF and I clicked immediately because she could HEAR what I was describing and I felt so relieved that finally I was understood. YF has been tuning my grand piano for the past decade.

Big chief K from Cresto personally delivered the warranty card, stamped and everything.
He was very patient, humble and he LISTENED!
I showed him the scratch marks on my walls, on my closet, on my widow sills.
Big Chief K explained that his workers could not fix the scratch marks and I should get my designer to help me fix. He said I needed to paint the marks.

I know where to get them....
I asked Big Chief K to go down with me to ask bangladeshi workers downstairs to come up and paint.

1 o'clock, no problem, bangledeshi was eating his nasi bryani....

tick tock tick tock....
I waited till 2pm.
Called BIG BIG Indian Chief....
Er, I spoke to chinese chief just now and he asked you to do paint touch up.
no problem....I send my workers up.

Worker came,
"Ma'm we give you paint, you do the touch up yourself"
I did not have container. So worker went down, found 2 empty paint containers, and generously poured me the cream colour for the walls and the white for the ceiling.


Have you tried stepping on the 4th step of a 5-step ladder, and try to paint your ceiling?
I need a ladder.
Where to get one?
I walked out.....
Perfect, closet guy was next door at my neighbor.
Closet guy offered his ladder, while he went to paint the bumps on my closet.
So here I was with a good morning towel tied round my hair, painting over the false ceiling that was patched up from the light person.
I was very very slow.
Balancing precariously, THIS IS HARD!!!!!
Closet guy came out and saw moi....doing my 2nd patch up.

" I used to be a painter"....closet guy said.
"good! why don't I pay you a token and you help me paint the touch ups?"
"I do it free for you"....closet guy then took over the painting of the ceiling.
He did the touch up while I pointed where the covered holes were.
Not just one coat, but he actually went a 2nd round so that all the pencil markings, covered patches were fully invisible !!!!!


Then sofa came.
It helps to have a vacuum cleaner.....
I went through 3 rounds of wiping my floor. It is quite quite clean now.

Curtain guy came.
Hong Ming Store Pte Ltd.
Mr. Hong did the measurements. Another very humble boss.
He helped me decide on colours, how far out to put the tracks, what to put in my rooms etc.
Then he did the maths.
Bill: $2488
He gave me a little reduction from the 2.5K bill. So I was happy.

G did not show up.
I had bought an extra coke for him when I went and buy lunch.
Anyway, I gave coke to the closet guy who helped me paint my ceiling.

I need to buy a smaller brush for the cream to touch up the chips on my wall.

I ran into Mr. H, big chief chinese guy.
He said the kitchen top will only arrive end of the month.
That will give me some time to wait for the piano sale plus shop around for a dining set that I like.

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